Jan 20, 2010

Today is the third day of week 1. My 3 weeks semester break has just finished in the blink of an eye. Gosh. MI assignment has been brief by lecturer. It has quite a lot stuff to do just like those previous gamma’s semester. I’m grouping with Song, hope everything will be fine.

This week will be the most relax week because all the tutorial classes will be call off. Due to this reason, I have to catch the time up to date with EnglishMoo. Giggle.

I was already finished the book named- Zero Limits. It is totally different with other Laws of Attraction book and the method that the author taught is really works. Amazing huh? It is asking you be responsible to everything that happens surrounding you, through the thick and thin you just have to cleaning and loving yourself.

I email to InnerTalk product for the second time, hope that I can get the product in this coming Saturday. I hope the true colors of it will be really useful for me.  I was wondering why I will email to the company, the idea just comes out of the blue. Though the guy who replied my mail had asked me go to their office which is just a stone’s throw away from 1Utama, I still asked him whether I can get it in 1U or not.

I have watched the movie which named as “shopaholic” today. Oh my goodness, I’m able to understand almost all the English subtitle. Feel so graceful.

Back to the topic, I had just mentioned that I have found EnglishMoo site, it is so helpful. I can feel I’m improving right now. It is the simplest way to teach grammar that I ever seen before. It brings the mandarin explanation up too. It sounds great right? It made me interested with it. A leopard never changes its spots; I should really determine to brush all my laziness off. It is a farsighted decision. I will never let those who are care for me down.

Hey, passer-by, please back me up.  Until the day I have worked out with it, I can be unwinding myself.  Boredom will get far away from me for sure. I want to brush of this dent from my life.

To make sure that I’m able to wake on time tomorrow, I should keep mum now.  Good night.


P/s: after “by”, “to” use root word

*Importance, important

*Difference, different


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