24 Jan, 2010

Yesterday I went to 1Utama to get my Innertalks products with my sis. We prepare on about 6am and went to the bus station around 7am. It was a lucky day, when we reached there, the bus was just arrived and the drive was so nice, he just stopped the bus there and waited for us.

We spent for about half an hour to reach there, it was around 9am. It was too early so we have decided to have our breakfast at McDonald. After I got the CDs from those people, we took bus to met mom at UOcean which is located in Petaling Street.

Since we have met up, we were going to visit grandma in Sentosa Medical Center. They said grandma is getting improving and she told us that she is not suffer and painful and is getting improve. It sounds great.

My mom, sis, aunt, some of my cousins and I were folded 1000 paper bird for grandma, hope she can get well soon. Some of us were staying there for overnight. Even though she lying on the bed in ICU I sure she can feel our support. We finished them at around 8am. Finally, unwind. Judge by the previous experience, grandma might be check out on tomorrow and recover. It must be a fact but we just need to wait some time to let it be. =)

Weekend is almost end. School days bored me but since I got Innertalks product, I think there are no more boredom for me on study. I am homesick again. Hope can graduate as soon as possible with flying color result. I am the first class student to be.

Oh yeah, I can feel I’m getting smarter since I listening to the innertalk products and after I discover EnglishMoo, I have been improve a lot on my English, I can feel my English is getting stronger. =) waiting for the good news on tomorrow.


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